FREE Course Creation Blueprint

Minimize overwhelm and get clear step-by-step instructions to create your course... Based on 8+ years of experience & 400+ courses created.

Here's what you'll discover inside: 

  • Exactly how to price your course for maximum profit

  • Our step-by-step process for creating your course content

  • The 4 letter acronym that makes lesson planning easy

  • And much, much more...

Get the Blueprint Completely Free Today

Deciding that you want to create an online course is a big FIRST step in the Course Creation process... but still only the first step.



What do you do NEXT? What part of the process do you conquer first? How do you not get overwhelmed by all you have to do?

Use our FREE Course Creation Blueprint to minimize overwhelm and get clear step-by-step instructions of what to do next. You'll learn:

  • How to create your course outline and content
  • How to determine how to make your course stand out
  • How to title your course
  • How to determine your target audience of hungry buyers
  • How to develop your entire content library, from modules to lessons
  • And how to create engaging content to ensure that your students are captured from start to finish